Discovering Britain is an exciting series of geographically-themed walks created by the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), that aim to bring alive the stories of our diverse landscapes and inspire everyone to explore and learn more about Britain.
Discovering Britain
Discovering Britain is an exciting series of geographically-themed walks created by the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), that aim to bring alive the stories of our diverse landscapes and inspire everyone to explore and learn more about Britain.
Meet the Partner
How they can help you
Discovering Britain walks engage the brain as well as the feet. They tell stories about the landscape and inspire you to explore why Britain is as it is today.
You will discover how our amazing towns, cities, countryside and coast have been shaped by people, historic events, the economy, the forces of nature and much more. The walks are all self-guided and available in audio or written versions. They are designed to be fun, informative and inspiring. They’re completely free and suitable for all ages and abilities. Prepare to discover something new and to be surprised by what’s right on your own doorstep.