If we didn't get it right, we want to know. Here's how you can make a complaint.
General complaints
Our aim is to respond to a complaint within five working days, working to a full resolution within 20 working days. We'll be in touch as soon as possible to find a solution, and where we can fix things sooner, we always will.
To make a complaint please get in touch using our contact form.
For issues relating to property boundaries, please see our property boundaries page.
Still not satisfied?
If you feel we haven’t provided a satisfactory solution and you want to take things further, you can request to have your complaint reviewed internally.
We allow up to ten working days to determine whether we think the resolution was a fair outcome. Where we agree we could have done better, we’ll do what it takes to make things right. If you still feel we could have done better, you can ask your MP to refer your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.
Complaints about our licensing under Public Sector Information (PSI)
We are committed to complying with the principles of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 and there are a number of routes (both free and paid for) by which we permit re-use of our information. For details, please see our licensing pages.
If you have a complaint about our compliance with the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015, we will investigate it thoroughly. See here for details of our PSI internal complaints process.
If you are unhappy with the way that we have handled a PSI complaint, are not happy with the response we have provided, or feel that the response is factually inaccurate and you wish the Information Commissioner’s Office to investigate further, please see the ICO complaints procedure.
To raise a complaint, please contact us.