Request for information - Ref No: FOI231208
We received your request on 28 December 2023.
We have handled your request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000.
A copy of your request is set out in the extract below:
“During the calendar years of 2022 and 2023:
- How many Freedom of Information requests you received
- What was your compliance rate (meaning, how many percent of requests did you respond to within the 20 working days or within the allowed extension time frame)?
- How many Internal Reviews were you requested under the FOIA?
- How many ICO appeals under FOIA?
- Do you have a backlog of cases and if so, how many?
- How many Subject Access Requests you received
- What was your compliance rate (meaning, how many percent of requests did you respond to within the 30 days or within the allowed extension time frame)?”
Our response
I confirm that Ordnance Survey does hold the information you have requested.
Taking each request in turn, I confirm the following:
1 How many Freedom of Information requests you received
2 What was your compliance rate (meaning, how many percent of requests did you respond to within the 20 working days or within the allowed extension time frame)?
3 How many Internal Reviews were you requested under the FOIA?
I confirm Ordnance survey holds the information requested at question 1, 2 and 3 above, however we consider this information to be exempt from disclosure, under section 21 (Information accessible by other means) of the FOIA.
We publish statistics in relation to how we have performed when responding to information requests on our website. The requested information for 2022 and 2023 is available to view here: Information requests performance | Governance (
Therefore, this information is exempt from disclosure under section 21 (Information accessible by other means) of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000.  We consider this exemption applies because the information requested is accessible to you as it is already in the public domain. 
 Section 21 is an absolute exemption therefore no public interest test is applicable. 
4 How many ICO appeals under FOIA?
1 January to 31 December 2022: 0 ICO appeals received.
1 January to 31 December 2023: 1 ICO appeal received.
5 Do you have a backlog of cases and if so, how many?
I confirm we do not have a backlog of cases.
6 How many Subject Access Requests you received
1 January to 31 December 2022: 5 Subject Access Requests (SARs) received.
1 January to 31 December 2023: 6 SARs received.
7 What was your compliance rate (meaning, how many percent of requests did you respond to within the 30 days or within the allowed extension time frame)?
100% compliance rate.
All SARs for 2022 and 2023 were responded to within the statutory deadline.
Internal review
Your enquiry has been processed according to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000. If you are unhappy with our response, you may request an internal review with our Internal Review Officer by contacting them, within two months of receipt of our final response to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request, as follows:
Internal Review Officer
Customer Service Centre
Ordnance Survey
Adanac Drive
SO16 0AS
Please include the reference number above. You may request an internal review where you believe Ordnance Survey has:
- Failed to respond to your request within the time limits (normally 20 working days)
- Failed to tell you whether or not we hold the information
- Failed to provide the information you have requested
- Failed to explain the reasons for refusing a request
- Failed to correctly apply an exemption or exception
The Internal Review Officer will not have been involved in the original decision. They will conduct an independent internal review and will inform you of the outcome of the review normally within 20 working days, but exceptionally within 40 working days, in line with the Information Commissioner’s guidance.
The Internal Review Officer will either: uphold the original decision, provide an additional explanation of the exemption/s applied or release further information, if it is considered appropriate to do so.
Appeal to Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
If you are still dissatisfied after our internal review, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). You should make complaints to the ICO within six weeks of receiving the outcome of an internal review. The easiest way to lodge a complaint is through the ICO website.