AddressBase Core

Local Authority data is at the heart of AddressBase Core. This data provides you with a complete address product; access to over 33 million addresses each unique referenced with the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) and property level coordinates.

  • Addressing and location
  • Download
  • Public Sector Plan
  • Premium Plan
  • Energy & Infrastructure Plan

This product is updated weekly

Representation of data provided
Representation of data provided

What AddressBase Core provides you with

Approved addressing records

AddressBase Core provides approved addressing records for England, Wales and Scotland based on Local Authority holdings of the National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG) and One Scotland Address Gazetteer (OSG). Other attribution includes property level coordinates and secondary level classifications (detailing the use and type of an address).

Property classification

Through property classification attributes, you can quickly understand, locate and perform analysis on the type of addresses you want to interact with.

Authoritative data

AddressBase Core's primary source of addressing information is local authority data. They have the legal responsibility to capture and maintain address data for Great Britain, so you can be sure of its authenticity and legal nature.

Weekly updates

AddressBase Core is released weekly, keeping you more up to date with change.

Try this product with free sample data

Give it a try

Download a small area of AddressBase Core.

Or try out the real thing by applying for a Data Exploration Licence

Need more technical information?

Read product guides, technical specification and further documents and support.

AddressBase Core

Technical information


Use cases

Property classification

Making the most of the property classification attributes, you can quickly understand, locate and perform analysis on the type of addresses you want to interact with.

Easy cross-referencing

AddressBase Core makes it easier to locate, match and gain insights from other location data with the benefit of having  key identifiers referenced throughout. The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN), Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) and Topographic Identifier (TOID) allow users to reference to other OS products.

  • Download
Data theme
  • Address
Data structure
Vector - Points
Great Britain
1:1250 to 1:10,000
  • CSV
  • GeoPackage
Ordering area
  • All of Great Britain or customisable area (5km2 tiles)
Publication months
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
OS Data Hub plan
  • Public Sector Plan
  • Premium Plan
  • Energy & Infrastructure Plan

Documents and Support

Getting started guides

  • AddressBase Core - Getting started guide
    The getting started guide provides instructions for using the product in different software applications. Users with limited technical knowledge will be able to follow this guide.
    13.61 mb
    October 7, 2022

Technical specification

  • AddressBase Core - Technical specification
    The technical specification provides detailed technical information about the product. It is targeted at technical users and software developers.
    208 kb
    October 5, 2021

Supporting documents

Release notes

Additional information

Advantage of AddressBase Core over other AddressBase products

AddressBase Core takes many of the high importance items from the other AddressBase products, such as coordinates, classifications (type of address) and links to other important identifiers; but it also includes a single attribute for an address line, is updated weekly, and is offered in an easier to digest format to make the product as easy to access and use as possible.

Properties yet to be built or have been demolished

Properties yet to be built, or those which have been demolished, do not appear in AddressBase Core. In order to keep AddressBase Core as simple as possible, these records are not present. If these are critical to you, please look at AddressBase Premium.

AddressBase Core epoch correspondence

AddressBase Core is released weekly and has a different data extraction date compared to the 6-weekly release schedule of the other AddressBase products. Due to these differences AddressBase Core will not correspond to any of the epochs.

Coverage of AddressBase Core

AddressBase Core covers Great Britain only. This is England, Wales and Scotland. It does not include Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands.

Data from Royal Mail’s PAF

The database is a vital component of the single address gazetteer database and is in each of the AddressBase products where there has been a match confirming the address to the LLPG address.

AddressBase Core

Get this product

What you get

Key features
  • Approved addressing records
  • Property classification
  • Authoritative data
  • Weekly updates
Addressing and location
  • Download
Data structure
Vector - Points
Update frequency

Try this product with free sample data

Give it a try

Download a small area of AddressBase Core.

Or try out the real thing by applying for a Data Exploration Licence

How to access


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